NDMA Jobs 2023 Pakistan Latest Vacancies: The recent job opportunity was announced by the National Disaster Management Authority on December 10th, 2023. This NDMA Jobs Advertisement has been sourced from the Daily Jang Newspaper.
NDMA (National Disaster Management Authority) is currently hiring very experienced, educated, and hardworking individuals. Applicants can apply for the following positions Deputy Manager (National Search & Rescue), Deputy Manager (INSARAG: International Search & Rescue Advisory Group), Assistant Manager (National Institute of Disaster Management), Assistant Manager (Warehouse), Stenographer (Inventory Manager), Store Manager (Warehouse), Technical Assistant (IT), Technical Assistant (Systems), Technical Assistant (Network), Store In-charge (Warehouse), Manager (Policy), Manager (International Collaboration), Manager (Communications & Computer Systems), Deputy Manager (National Emergencies Operations Centre – Building), Deputy Manager (National Emergencies Operations Centre – Admin), Deputy Manager (National Emergencies Operations Centre – Accounts), Deputy Manager (National Institute of Disaster Management – Coordination), and Deputy Manager (Logistics Inspection). Candidates have to submit their applications for these positions before the last date of 25th December 2023.